Are you nervous about that interview?

It’s no mystery why interviews make us nervous. We’re asked to travel to a place of business we’ve likely never been to, to meet a person or persons we’ve most likely never met, to answer unknown questions we may or may not feel confident answering. We might even be asked to take a test or

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How to Shop for a Job

Jobs, like cars need to be replaced or maintained on a regular basis. When you grow tired of your current job due to poor management, low pay or perhaps cut backs, you will want to treat you new job search the same way you would shop for a new car. Here are a few tips

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Interview Tips: Making an Impression that Lasts

If you’ve just graduated and are looking for work a great idea is to get into an industry that’s rapidly expanding. The online and mobile casino industry is growing fast and the demand for employees grows on a daily basis. It’s not only developers and designers that are needed for this industry, customer service representatives,

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Job-Search Tips: How to Nail a Phone Interview

With nearly five candidates (on average) applying for each available job opening–and with hundreds applying for some positions–many human resource departments and recruiters are using telephone interviews much more extensively to narrow down job-applicant pools. These tips will help keep you in the running. 47

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What are employee rights to benefits?

My employer states they do not have to pay benefits (holidays, sick leave etc.) because they consider me to be “part-time” even though I work 32 hours a week and have for two years. What is the definition of part-time vs. full-time? Is there such a thing as a regular, permanent part-time employee that is

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Interview Small Talk Makes a Big Impression

“Oh, I notice you went to Whittier College. So did I.” “You were at Disney for two years? I worked for Disney, too.” “Toastmasters? I’m in Toastmasters, too.” All of the above are opening gambits that I’ve used while interviewing candidates. They often were greeted with an “uh huh” while the interviewee waited for a

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Some Schools Are Selling Case Studies on the Web

Customers are moving to the Web. Traditional sales and distribution methods seem outdated. How fast can an enterprise adapt to the Internet age? At business schools, such high-stakes predicaments are ripe fodder for case studies. Inc.’s assault on traditional book retailing has been dissected at least 16 times in cases at Harvard Business School.

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Earning More By Going Solo

In 2000, Les Kollegian resigned from his chief creative officer post at an advertising agency to start his own shop in San Diego with a goal of increasing his earnings. The 36-year-old says the experience was challenging and stressful, but his take-home pay is now approximately $300,000 before taxes — triple his previous annual income.

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