Best 6 Ways to Make Money on the Side

While many of you are in the process of looking for a quality salary job, earning money on the side is the best option at keeping you afloat financially until you land your next position. Here are several basic ideas that could work as side jobs and help pay bills. Our methods of alternative money

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Make them Smile

When a manager walks into a work place among their employees, that manager has the power to change the outlook of the employee for the entire day, maybe longer. You are the most important maker of motivation and morale among your employees. 64

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Surviving Office Politics

Observe any kindergarten class. You’ll witness a startling range of politically motivated behavior. One kid is a whistle-blower, snitching to the teacher in hopes of winning favor. Another is a bully. He specializes in intimidating the best and the brightest into a kind of grade-school oppression. 44

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Job-Search Tips: How to Nail a Phone Interview

With nearly five candidates (on average) applying for each available job opening–and with hundreds applying for some positions–many human resource departments and recruiters are using telephone interviews much more extensively to narrow down job-applicant pools. These tips will help keep you in the running. 47

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