5 ways taking a pay cut can make you richer

  Money shouldn’t be the only motivator when deciding on a career, and taking a job solely because the pay is appealing can increase the likelihood that the job will not work for you in the long run. Moreover, a potential employer will most likely sense it if you’re not passionate about your role. “During

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Starting Your First Job? 5 Tips for Success

Congrats, Grad! You finished finals, made it through the graduation ceremony (hopefully without falling on your face while receiving your diploma), and you’re ready to start your first job. Now what? The advice from Career Services tends to stop once you accept an offer, and many new grads find themselves lost in their first position.

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5 Career Planning Tips for College Students

Graduating from college and entering the workforce is a daunting prospect.  You’re spent years trying to figure out what you actually want to do and making sure your major aligns with your dream job. The workforce for millennials is full of competition. You’re up against peers who graduate with you as well as those already

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Rex Huppke: The impact of workplace bullying

When it comes to workplace bullying, we often focus on the hammers and not the needles. Hammers are the obvious acts of oafish or even physically violent behavior, the situations where there’s little nuance and a person is clearly being victimized. Needles are the small, repetitive acts that often go unnoticed, and unreported, the needling

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Working From Home: Will it Help or Hurt Your Career?

The brouhaha surrounding Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer’s decision to ban employees from working from home had barely subsided when Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman following suit, announcing that she wants all employees to come to office every day. At the same time, we have Sheila C. Johnson, CEO of Salamander Hotels and Resorts who says she

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Top 5 Emerging Careers in Finance

  The recession has affected almost every industry, including the financial industry. It’s a smart move to get in a career that has some longevity in our changing future. Here are five careers in finance that have a bright outlook. 1. Risk Management Analyst Risk is a significant word in the financial world. The importance of

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