Are You a Hiring Manager’s “Dream Employee?”

Are you the manager’s dream employee? Naturally, meeting the qualifications of the job description is essential, ranging from skill sets to knowledge. But most managers will tell you there is more to getting the job than just checking those boxes. When leaders decide who to hire or promote, it’s the intangibles that often elevate the best to

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Are you nervous about that interview?

It’s no mystery why interviews make us nervous. We’re asked to travel to a place of business we’ve likely never been to, to meet a person or persons we’ve most likely never met, to answer unknown questions we may or may not feel confident answering. We might even be asked to take a test or

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Find a New Career in Public Relations

Public relations careers are among the most sought after and attractive jobs within the corporate and business industry.  Media channels is definitely the single most effective business tool readily available.  PR job opportunities consistently rank as leading professions in country wide media surveys, federal government demographics statistics, marketplace associations and business analyst reports.

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Make them Smile

When a manager walks into a work place among their employees, that manager has the power to change the outlook of the employee for the entire day, maybe longer. You are the most important maker of motivation and morale among your employees.

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How To Avoid Obsolescence?

Whether you’re a Web designer, investment analyst, or civil engineer, you can’t stand professionally still. It’s not enough to be good now; you have to stay good. That means keeping up to date with new trends and developments in your field of expertise, and your industry.

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Leaders Grow, They Are Not Made

Leadership today has become a very multi meaning term. Professionals from various disciplines have defined ‘Leadership’ in different ways. Paradigm shifts in the cultures of organizations and the consistent parallel and horizontal development of companies have raised the need to look at leadership in a new angle.

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Interview Tips: Making an Impression that Lasts

If you’ve just graduated and are looking for work a great idea is to get into an industry that’s rapidly expanding. The online and mobile casino industry is growing fast and the demand for employees grows on a daily basis. It’s not only developers and designers that are needed for this industry, customer service representatives,

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New York History

Situated in the northeastern U.S. and stretching from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, this mid-sized state (27th out of 50) has the third-highest population in the nation. When people think about New York state, they automatically conjure up dense, urban images of busy streets and Manhattan skyscrapers. However, the state of New York

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