Job Search with Help

Do you remember when you were young, and your mom grabbed your hand to help you cross a street or properly navigate you through a crowd?  The same concept applies to job-search strategies.  It’s been proven that an individual can perform better when paired together with someone that is positive, informative, challenging, and focused.  That’s why networking has always been a successful technique for job hunting and finding a mentor is such a good idea.  Job searching can be tricky, so anyone to help guide you along will certainly give you an added advantage.

Who’s a prime candidate to be your job-search mentor?
Anyone can help, but you want someone that is positive, who’ll continue to push you into the right direction, and be there when things aren’t going well.  Select a person whom you respect and can add value to you and your campaign.

Does this person need to be a friend?  No. Your mentor should be someone you look up to and respect, so sometimes selecting a person other than a friend is a good idea.  Ask the person and outline your intentions.  Most individuals will be honored that they were asked and will graciously accept the invitation.

How often should we meet?
That depends on you.  You need to meet with your mentor as often as you deem necessary.  Only you can determine how often you’ll need to meet and “refuel” with leads and inspiration.  Make the meeting productive so you don’t tie up unnecessary time.  Utilize an outline of topics, if needed.

Where should we meet?
Try meeting in a public restaurant, for example, over a power lunch (30-60 minutes) so you can both discuss the current happenings of your hunt and the next steps needed.  Meeting in a public location during a normal business day can give you a boost of energy from all the hustle and bustle within the room.  Job searching can feel like a lonely time in your life, so participating in typical work activities will help keep you focused and energized.

What should be discussed?
First, companies that are prime targets for your job search should be hot on your topic list.  Make an exhaustive inventory of companies that each of you knows is hiring or potentially hiring.  Second, talk about some of the obstacles you’re having difficulty overcoming.  Don’t be afraid to ask your mentor for solid advice that will topple fear or other elements that keep you from obtaining career goals. Lastly, brainstorm different ways of handling difficult interview questions or other job-search complexities where another person’s opinion is needed.  Lastly, keep a ledger or journal so you don’t forget anything that surfaces during the conversation.

Take the time to identify your weaknesses (e.g. fear of cold calling or introvert personality) and seek out someone that can help you with them.  A job-search mentor, as mentioned above, should be someone that will complement you and make you a powerful force to be reckoned with.  The objective is to become more confident and handle difficult situations or obstacles with the guidance of another skilled, more seasoned individual.


job, Jobsearch