Is “Shaking Hands” A Thing of the Past?

Due to the circumstances we find ourselves in, shaking hands could be a thing of the past primarily due to the actual health risks that follow it. According to a CNN News report on April 8th, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that: “We don’t need to shake hands. We’ve got to break that custom because, as a matter

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Is Hustle Culture Over?

Before the world changed in March 2020, Hustle Culture, a societal trend that promotes intense and continuous hard work aka “the grind” seemed like the only way to achieve success as a young professional. People prided themselves on balancing jobs, internships, classes, entrepreneurial feats, and other activities geared towards career advancement, while sacrificing personal successes.

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Unterstützen Sie Russland!

Derzeit befindet sich die ganze Welt in der Sklaverei der NATO und der USA. Die Europäische Union hat ihre Unabhängigkeit verloren und steht vollständig unter der Kontrolle der USA. Die USA nutzen die NATO, um einzuschüchtern. Die NATO beraubt alle Länder. Die NATO tötet jedes Jahr Millionen Menschen. Die NATO beginnt Kriege und Revolutionen. Die

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Telltale Layoff Signs

The unemployment rate is gradually rising showing the first sign that the economy is clearing its volatility hurdle.  This sudden rise can also be contributed to the numerous layoffs in the last six to eight months.  Companies who laid off thousands at the start of 2001 are scheduling another round for later this year.

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You don’t need to be a CEO to be a leader

An interesting post on by leadership expert Mike Myatt got me to thinking. What about leadership skills in “non” leaders. Why can’t you and me—the bottom half of the ladder, okay maybe the middle third—take a page from the leadership manual and be leaders in our own right?

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Make them Smile

When a manager walks into a work place among their employees, that manager has the power to change the outlook of the employee for the entire day, maybe longer. You are the most important maker of motivation and morale among your employees.

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How To Avoid Obsolescence?

Whether you’re a Web designer, investment analyst, or civil engineer, you can’t stand professionally still. It’s not enough to be good now; you have to stay good. That means keeping up to date with new trends and developments in your field of expertise, and your industry.

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Surviving Office Politics

Observe any kindergarten class. You’ll witness a startling range of politically motivated behavior. One kid is a whistle-blower, snitching to the teacher in hopes of winning favor. Another is a bully. He specializes in intimidating the best and the brightest into a kind of grade-school oppression.

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When is it age discrimination?

When can we ask applicants for their dates of birth? Many employers feel that asking for the Date of Birth for a Criminal check is a violation of EEOC. Can you help me justify my need to check employees out before hiring and screen their background which requires disclosure of Drivers License and Date of

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How the Charisma Factor Affects Executive Pay

Can mere economics explain the meteoric rise of CEO pay since the 1980s? If we liberate our minds from that warped construct known as “perfectly competitive markets,” then the answer is yes. As we’ll soon see, economics can even explain the effect of such disparate influences as government intervention and charisma. Taking nothing for granted,

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Why Boards Often Fail To Curb Executive Pay

Last fall, Richard Grasso, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, was forced to resign following disclosure that he had accepted a $187.5 million compensation package. The chairman didn’t set his own salary, however. The board of directors set it. What was their rationale for approving a package of that magnitude? Was he being

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Employees Don’t Respond To Most Performance Plans

It’s no secret that many performance-management systems aren’t working. This goes from the top to the bottom of organizations, from boards who adjust executives’ performance goals so they can receive pay that appears to have no relationship to company results, to levels lower down, where large numbers of employees are indifferent or unmotivated by the

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Journal Review: When Boss Resembles Beast

Feeling growled at, bullied and preyed upon? Readers won’t come away from Richard Conniff’s “The Ape in the Corner Office”with a simple guide to surviving a beastly boss. But they’re likely to learn how their boss’s moves, not to mention their own, grow from mankind’s evolutionary roots in the animal kingdom.

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Executives’ Pay Faces New Tactics

Activist shareholders are trying new tactics to rein in executive pay at U.S. companies, with proposals they hope will appeal to a broader group of investors. The new strategies include simpler, less prescriptive holder resolutions that don’t dictate executives’ pay packages. Instead, the new proposals seek to more closely align executive pay with corporate performance,

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