You don’t need to be a CEO to be a leader

An interesting post on by leadership expert Mike Myatt got me to thinking. What about leadership skills in “non” leaders. Why can’t you and me—the bottom half of the ladder, okay maybe the middle third—take a page from the leadership manual and be leaders in our own right? 57

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How To Avoid Obsolescence?

Whether you’re a Web designer, investment analyst, or civil engineer, you can’t stand professionally still. It’s not enough to be good now; you have to stay good. That means keeping up to date with new trends and developments in your field of expertise, and your industry. 45

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Surviving Office Politics

Observe any kindergarten class. You’ll witness a startling range of politically motivated behavior. One kid is a whistle-blower, snitching to the teacher in hopes of winning favor. Another is a bully. He specializes in intimidating the best and the brightest into a kind of grade-school oppression. 44

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Outdated Resume Elements

If you are searching for a job, chances are that you have passed out your résumé numerous times with no callbacks. The problem may not be that you are under qualified, but you may be overwhelming employers with unnecessary information. You may want to make revisions, as we list five top outdated elements on résumés.

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Do Technology Experts Make Good Managers?

Even in the current uncertain environment, the U.S. economy is driven by nerds — a term that recently morphed from an insult into a quasi-compliment. Nerds specialize in computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering, physics, biophysics, molecular biology, nanotechnology, bio-nano and who knows what. They are smart, sometimes arrogant, and not necessarily the most sociable folks

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‘Why I Want to Be A Corporate Director’

Dear Human Resources Manager: Hi! I’m writing to apply for a position on your board of directors. While I have only modest knowledge of polymer-based hollow-rod extrusion, stenciling and vapor recovery — and no actual office experience per se — I am eager to be well-paid for little or no work. 45

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How to Take Control Of a Lopsided Life

“Dad, I’ll pay you a dollar if you baby-sit me for an hour.” Coming from his five-year-old daughter, this offer got the attention of a middle-aged oil-company executive. “All the money in her piggy bank for an hour of my time,” he says. “I realized I’d let my life get pretty far out of whack.” 47

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A Job-Hunter’s Guide To Executive Recruiters

Confusion about how recruiters operate has put many a career at a disadvantage. Executives in transition can’t afford to let faulty assumptions foul up their prospects. Knowing how the search industry operates will make you a better, more successful candidate. To help you get the facts straight, here’s a guide to working with recruiters based

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Their Names Liveth Forever, Just Not on Latest Firms

What’s in a name? Plenty. Just ask people who have to compete against their own names. These entrepreneurs can face uncertain, confused customers, as well as harsh competition from businesses they no longer own that still bear their monikers. Consider what happened to executive recruiter Russell S. Reynolds Jr. at a recent cocktail party in

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