How To Avoid Obsolescence?

Whether you’re a Web designer, investment analyst, or civil engineer, you can’t stand professionally still. It’s not enough to be good now; you have to stay good. That means keeping up to date with new trends and developments in your field of expertise, and your industry.

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Successful Execs Create Their Own Opportunities

Job satisfaction has been on the decline since 1995 and has hit an all-time low, according to a survey by the Conference Board. The increased pace of business, greater demands for results and less time for recreation are among the factors bothering employees, the Conference Board found. “As technology transforms the workplace — accelerating the

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What I Learned From A Year of Free Agency

In 1998 I found myself, for the first time in my career, a “free agent,” meaning that I was not a “regular” employee anywhere; in fact, I was untethered to any organization and loosened upon the world. Fortunately, my spouse works, so I wasn’t desperate to accept just anything. I had his health insurance and

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HR Systems: Prevent Now or Pay Later

The chief financial officer (CFO) of a Midwestern insurance company bumps into the HR director in the men’s room and asks how his new benefits administration strategy is shaping up. Before the HR director can respond, the CFO declares his belief that benefits administration should be outsourced to avoid spending money on the new technology

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