How to Shop for a Job

Jobs, like cars need to be replaced or maintained on a regular basis. When you grow tired of your current job due to poor management, low pay or perhaps cut backs, you will want to treat you new job search the same way you would shop for a new car. Here are a few tips

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Outdated Resume Elements

If you are searching for a job, chances are that you have passed out your résumé numerous times with no callbacks. The problem may not be that you are under qualified, but you may be overwhelming employers with unnecessary information. You may want to make revisions, as we list five top outdated elements on résumés.

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6 Common Resume Questions Answered

Writing a resume seems like a straightforward endeavor–until you actually sit down to create one. For example, what’s the right length? Do you need an objective statement? And what changes should you make, if any, if you want to reapply for a certain position? 45

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The Highly Efficient Job Search

Every unemployed person has heard this saying: Finding a job is a job. Unfortunately, it’s not the kind of work that makes you want to whistle while you do it. But as with any task, you can take steps to make it easier. Here are some tips to help you boost your efficiency as your

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Employee quits, wins constructive discharge case

A case involving a 66 year old employee who won for age and disability discrimination shows how important “the little things” can be in a case. The employee was hospitalized for anxiety and depression, and was out for one month. When she returned to work, she was given a new, demeaning assignment, and her hours

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When is it age discrimination?

When can we ask applicants for their dates of birth? Many employers feel that asking for the Date of Birth for a Criminal check is a violation of EEOC. Can you help me justify my need to check employees out before hiring and screen their background which requires disclosure of Drivers License and Date of

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What are employee rights to benefits?

My employer states they do not have to pay benefits (holidays, sick leave etc.) because they consider me to be “part-time” even though I work 32 hours a week and have for two years. What is the definition of part-time vs. full-time? Is there such a thing as a regular, permanent part-time employee that is

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Get Dates at Work and Don’t Get Sued

Antioch College is in the news because of its new “ask first” policy designed to prevent sexual harassment and date rape. Under the policy, a student must ask first before initiating any intimate contact. For example, a young man should ask a young woman, “Can I kiss you?” before kissing. If she says yes or

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