How To Avoid Obsolescence?

Whether you’re a Web designer, investment analyst, or civil engineer, you can’t stand professionally still. It’s not enough to be good now; you have to stay good. That means keeping up to date with new trends and developments in your field of expertise, and your industry.

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Is a College Degree Required to be Successful?

The proverbial dropout success stories: Zuckerberg, Jobs, Branson, Karp (who didn’t even graduate high school). A quick Google search and you’ll be inundated with lists from 3 to 99 of the top dropout-turned-millionaire names. But simple mention of their anomalistic success isn’t reason enough to abandon the centuries old chase of academic excellence. Rather, it’s

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What’s The Big Deal About The ‘Lean In’ Movement?

Would you say your career trajectory parallels that of climbing a ladder?  Or one strategically driven by selecting more lateral opportunities? According to Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg, this answer is often determined by your gender. Just shy of  its one year anniversary in circulation, people are still talking about Ms. Sandberg’s New York Times best selling book

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Top 5 Emerging Careers in Healthcare

An aging population, deteriorating environmental conditions, and the government’s push for making sure everyone has medical insurance all contribute to enormous job growth in the healthcare field. Even some careers you may never have heard of are well on their way to becoming common in medical facilities. Here are the top five emerging careers in

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Why You Should Consider These Free Online Courses

Did you know that anyone with an Internet connection can get an Ivy League education? The degree isn’t included, of course, but neither is the lifelong debt. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide everyday people access to college classes through an affordable format: the Internet. With the growth of free online courses, online education is

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How to Write an Effective Job Description

Making the Job Description Clear Will Help to Hire the Best Employees The Importance of Job Descriptions Descriptions of job titles appear in a variety of forms in the workplace. Recruitment ads, compensation surveys and other benchmarking tools, as well as corporate or departmental development plans all use some method of describing a job. The

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