Job Search Tips and Networking Tips

Job Search Tips Searching for a job in today’s environment can be challenging at best. Most people complete their education and end up working in a completely unrelated field. The fact is that we have to work to pay bills and support families. This means that sometimes we take jobs we don’t necessarily want to

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Interviewing Techniques and Tips

Interviewing for a job can be stressfull. You may have a feeling of vunerability “selling” your skills or answering unexpected questions from the interviewer.  However, interviewing is a skill you can learn. With the right tips and techniques, you can become an expert at sharing your positive traits with potential employers, presenting yourself effectively at

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Job tips

Whether you are looking to change jobs or you are entering the job market for the first time the process can be overwhelming. The key to a “successful job hunt” is targeting the right employer. This simply means that, like buying a new shirt, if it doesn’t fit …don’t wear it! In a limited job

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