7 Ways Social Media & Mobile Affects Hiring

New Survey Finds People Job Search Often & Online It’s All About Social Media…Kind Of Everyone knows by now social media is here to stay, and should be incorporated into how companies do business. And that includes hiring. We surveyed nearly 700 people earlier this year regarding their job search habits. But in addition to

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7 Reasons Not to Hire Someone

Learn Which Hiring Red Flags to Spot During the Job Interview Process Beware These Red Flags If you’re a hiring manager or a small business owner who has gone through the hiring and job interview process, you know how difficult it can be finding the right person. Mainly because you first have to sort through

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Which of the 5 Hiring Personalities Are You?

Knowing Your Hiring Personality Makes You a Better Interviewer People Relate to Themselves Whether you recognize it or not, most hiring managers have a hiring style that is more reflective of who they are as a person, and not necessarily reflective of the companies for which they work. However, like a duck drawn to water,

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9 Jobs Most Likely to be Taken Over by Robots

Going, Going, Gone You know all those movies where the robots become sentient and start to rise up against humans? Well, turns out it might not be as much hyperbole as we originally thought. Technology is advancing at lightning speed, and if it strikes people in certain professions there’s a pretty good chance they could

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8 Types of Employees All Businesses Should Hire

Target These Types of Workers & Reap the Benefits Some Types Never Go Out of Style Hiring rates are expected to increase, but many organizations are thinking hard about the types of people they’d like to add to their teams. Skills are obviously important, but even the most qualified candidate could be ineffective if he/she

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5 Ways to Weed Out Unqualified Applicants

Save Time During the Hiring Process by Spotting Red Flags Early Find the Right Candidate Today’s job market is very tight with many more job hunters than available jobs. For businesses, the good news is it’s a buyer’s market. But at the same time, it can be overwhelming to sift through the mountain of resumes

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The 10 Best Interview Questions to Ask.

    In today’s technology crunched world, many experts have written off the importance of asking good and relevant interview questions. Good interview questions reveal a lot about a prospective candidate. They can tell the employer if the employee will fit in the office culture or not.  They can show if the employee has all

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