Can Learning New Job Skills Boost Your Career?

How many times have you applied to a job thinking, “I’d be the perfect fit for this company?” Then you spend hours crafting an awesome cover letter and resume, only to never hear back or get a simple boiler plate response stating, “sorry but we are moving forward with other candidates.” It sucks! Trust me,

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7 Ways Social Media & Mobile Affects Hiring

New Survey Finds People Job Search Often & Online It’s All About Social Media…Kind Of Everyone knows by now social media is here to stay, and should be incorporated into how companies do business. And that includes hiring. We surveyed nearly 700 people earlier this year regarding their job search habits. But in addition to

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4 Ways You’re Biased During Job Interviews

Learn How Your Brain Is Hiring People Before You Even Realize It   You Don’t Even Realize It’s Happening Let us describe a scene and you tell us if it sounds familiar. You’re interviewing dozens of people but you’re excited about this next one because she had an unbelievable stat about reeling in two different

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9 Red Flags You Can Spot on Bad Resumes

How to Tell Which Resumes Belong in the Recycling Bin Know What to Look For On average, resumes are received 200 seconds after being submitted. Once a hiring manager lays eyes on it, he/she will spend anywhere from 5 to 7 seconds reading it before making a decision to pass it on or trash it.

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Should You Hire a 10x Employee?

Pros & Cons of Hiring Superstar Employees Meet Martin In the mid 1990s I took a job at a growing startup. The delineation of talent at the office was pretty clear: Four partners (President, VP/Technology, VP/Sales, VP/Marketing) and four employees (Video producer, Graphic Designer, and two Application Developers). Then there was Martin. Martin didn’t work

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8 Steps to Improving Retention Strategies

Employee Retention Myths and Tips EMPLOYER MYTH #1: Employees are browsing but not actively looking around for new jobs FACT: Over 60% of employees are actively looking to leave their employer within the next three months. Additionally, the intensity of employees’ job search is grossly underestimated by many employers. Many employers understand that their employees

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The Importance of Job Descriptions

Descriptions of job titles appear in a variety of forms in the workplace. Recruitment ads, compensation surveys and other benchmarking tools, as well as corporate or departmental development plans all use some method of describing a job. The brief descriptions of highlighted positions that are seen in compensation surveys and other benchmarking tools are called

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