4 Ways You’re Biased During Job Interviews

Learn How Your Brain Is Hiring People Before You Even Realize It You Don’t Even Realize It’s Happening Let us describe a scene and you tell us if it sounds familiar. You’re interviewing dozens of people but you’re excited about this next one because she had an unbelievable stat about reeling in two different $20

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7 Signs You Hired the Wrong Employee

The Only Thing Worse Than Making a Hiring Mistake Is Not Catching It In Time Recognize the Problem Getting through the hiring process can be exhausting and time-consuming. We’ve been there and we get it. You found someone with a great resume, who has most of the skills needed, and seems like he’d be a

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Which of the 5 Hiring Personalities Are You?

Knowing Your Hiring Personality Makes You a Better Interviewer People Relate to Themselves Whether you recognize it or not, most hiring managers have a hiring style that is more reflective of who they are as a person, and not necessarily reflective of the companies for which they work. However, like a duck drawn to water,

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9 Jobs Most Likely to be Taken Over by Robots

Going, Going, Gone You know all those movies where the robots become sentient and start to rise up against humans? Well, turns out it might not be as much hyperbole as we originally thought. Technology is advancing at lightning speed, and if it strikes people in certain professions there’s a pretty good chance they could

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8 Types of Employees All Businesses Should Hire

Target These Types of Workers & Reap the Benefits Some Types Never Go Out of Style Hiring rates are expected to increase, but many organizations are thinking hard about the types of people they’d like to add to their teams. Skills are obviously important, but even the most qualified candidate could be ineffective if he/she

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5 Ways to Weed Out Unqualified Applicants

Save Time During the Hiring Process by Spotting Red Flags Early Find the Right Candidate Today’s job market is very tight with many more job hunters than available jobs. For businesses, the good news is it’s a buyer’s market. But at the same time, it can be overwhelming to sift through the mountain of resumes

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5 Universal Skills Every Employer Should Value

No Matter the Job, Employers Should Hire Workers with These Universal Skills Which Skills Are Always Valued? Every job in every field at each individual company is different. But while each job has a unique set of skill requirements, there are several skills which are required in all jobs. Apart from the specific technical skills, each

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10 Tips for Hiring the Best Employees Using Social Media

Take Advantage of Social Media Services to Find the Most Qualified Employees Faster   Hiring Methods Have Changed Ten years ago, if you polled human resources personnel about the methods used to find a qualified candidate, you’d have probably heard familiar phrases such as: Sifting through piles of resumes Reading numerous cover letters Social media

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The $100,000 Job Title Increase

Real Life Story of How a Better Job Title Leads to a Salary Boost Down the Line There was a great episode of Cheers long ago where the dim-witted Woody was duped into accepting the higher title of “Senior Bartender” over a pay raise. (For those under 30, Cheers was a sitcom in the 80s

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4 Ways to Get a Recommendation From Your Boss

  Awkward But Necessary It may be one of the hardest conversations you’ll have to have with your boss. Asking for a recommendation can certainly be stressful, awkward, and a bit unpleasant. After all, you never know what your boss’ reaction might be to the news that you’re essentially looking to leave the company. But

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7 Ways to Quit Your Job Gracefully.

Just Because You’re Leaving Doesn’t Mean You Should Burn Bridges So you’re quitting? Congratulations on getting a new gig or just getting out of your old job that wasn’t working. But no matter why you’re leaving, make sure you do it the right way. Your parents probably told you to be the bigger person, right?

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Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 280,000 in May, and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 5.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in professional and business services, leisure and hospitality, and health care. Mining employment continued to decline. Household Survey Data In May, both the unemployment rate

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The 10 Best Interview Questions to Ask.

    In today’s technology crunched world, many experts have written off the importance of asking good and relevant interview questions. Good interview questions reveal a lot about a prospective candidate. They can tell the employer if the employee will fit in the office culture or not.  They can show if the employee has all

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