Job tips

Whether you are looking to change jobs or you are entering the job market for the first time the process can be overwhelming. The key to a “successful job hunt” is targeting the right employer. This simply means that, like buying a new shirt, if it doesn’t fit …don’t wear it! In a limited job market people will tell you “beggars can’t be choosers”. Well I’m here to tell you that not only can beggars be choosers but they don’t have to be beggars either!

What most job hunters don’t realize is that “job hunting” is a job in itself and should be treated exactly the same. Here are some quick tips to get started

TIP # 1
Get up before  8 am – The reason for this is that in most general areas offices and office services are open before 9 am. This is when you will have the best chance of meeting face to face with a potential employer who has the authority to hire or set up an interview by phone
TIP # 2
Have a professional resume created. Make sure you have a digital copy for submitting on line as well as a hard copy for personal drop offs
TIP # 3
Spend your first hour in the morning submitting to employers on-line only. Try to submit to the newest ads ( which usually post between 7-9am ). It is well known that most Companies hiring have received a sufficient amount of candidates within the first 7 hours of posting their Ad.
TIP # 4
Make sure you always draft a cover letter and attach it with all resume submissions. For more information on cover letters go to the free links
TIP # 5
Be sure you if you are a member of any Social Media that you check it for “negative impact” as most employers now search your name on the major Social Media Sites before calling you in for an interview. This includes friends that link to you. Check for negative photos or comments you may have accessible

Career, Information