Job Seekers Slack Off After Encouragement
What’s more likely to cause a job-seeker to take a break from the search, a lack of progress or an encouraging interview? 31
What’s more likely to cause a job-seeker to take a break from the search, a lack of progress or an encouraging interview? 31
You’re dressing appropriately, showing up ten minutes early, and have a stellar resume but if you’re still having trouble making the jump from interview to job offer you might be making one of these common mistakes. 40
Negotiating salary always seems like the most stressful part of the job interview process. You want to make sure you are happy with what you are being paid while simultaneously not pricing yourself out of a great opportunity. Nevertheless, paying your bills and living a comfortable lifestyle are important factors when you think about the hard
When it comes to acing an interview dressing the part is no joke, especially in today’s competitive job market. 45
When you’re looking for a job you never know how long it’s going to take. It’s not like golf when you can tell whether the hole you’re playing is a par 3 or a par 5. At any given point in the game, a golfer can see exactly how far the flag is and what
Statistics show that as many as 40% of us have — that’s almost half! So what are we all saying when we stretch the truth in an attempt to land a job? Employers say it’s usually one of these: 61
Lately, I’ve been seeing so many hackneyed phrases on resumes at every professional level. Here are the top six phrases I see job seekers using to describe themselves over and over again that are sure to get your resume tossed in the no pile. 73
No two employees are the same, but a growing number of resumes are. That’s because everybody is trying to send the same message: I’d be perfect for this job. While it’s important to communicate your winning personality, knowledge base, and skill set, you should do so without drowning the reader in unnecessary and redundant details. Here
When it comes to getting a job your resume is your first (and usually only) chance to make a good first impression, plus many employers have so many qualified applicants they’re ready to take any excuse to whittle the list. Make sure your resume isn’t secretly making you look bad by proofreading it for these common spell check
Do you remember when you were young, and your mom grabbed your hand to help you cross a street or properly navigate you through a crowd? The same concept applies to job-search strategies. It’s been proven that an individual can perform better when paired together with someone that is positive, informative, challenging, and focused. That’s why networking has
Over the last few years, I have had several clients ask this very question. Although the task of asking for a raise may seem very complex, it actually is quite simpler than one might think. 66
The unemployment rate is gradually rising showing the first sign that the economy is clearing its volatility hurdle. This sudden rise can also be contributed to the numerous layoffs in the last six to eight months. Companies who laid off thousands at the start of 2001 are scheduling another round for later this year. 50
If you’ve been invited to interview, congratulations; you’re halfway there. With the right preparation and a positive approach, you’ll have every chance of landing that job. Follow our top ten tips for interview success: 47
The availability of contract work has grown enormously as an alternative to conventional permanent work, but how do you decide which is for you? Let’s examine their individual benefits and drawbacks. 40
I’d like to start out by wishing everyone a happy holidays. Many job seekers are feeling the pressure of being unemployed during the holidays and some may use them as a time to start to relax and slow down with their job searches. The thing that many job seekers don’t realize is that January is
With everybody competing for jobs, it could be very tiring which is why some people may settle for the first company that says yes. The problem with this is that although you will be employed, it may not be the right job for you and you may be stuck there for a few years. Part of
The last thing a Recruiter or Hiring Manager wants to do on their weekend is post jobs on leading job sites. Like the rest of us, they want to enjoy their weekends and time off with their friends and family. Because of the lag in job postings over the weekend it could cause some stress for
When you are looking for a job and going through hundreds of job listings, you may find yourself taking shortcuts so that you can get through the list. Certain things that you may start to do include skimming through the description and only reading the title, salary fields and benefits section. Other things some job
With all of the excitement of being employed again, or getting to work for a new company, you may not remember to prepare a few basic things before you start. It may be a good idea to look up what the new company’s policies are regarding clothing, eating, scents (perfumes), etc… 66
When it comes to interviews and ‘getting the job’ my philosophy is to be optimistic, perhaps to a fault, but better than the alternative of making assumptions about who may know who. If I see a job I am particularly interested in, I go in assuming I will know someone, somehow. 49