About Stock Options

About Stock Options

One of the biggest challenges facing employers is recruiting and retaining qualified, dedicated employees. Over the past decade, with unemployment levels low and the economy doing well, one of the ways businesses in many industries were recruiting the best possible talent and keeping those employees happy was by offering stock options. For the first time ever, the trend extended not just to top-level managers and executives, but to people throughout the organization.

As a result, the ability to participate in an employee stock option plan became an integral part of many people’s overall compensation package. People who worked for medium-sized to large publicly traded companies, as well as people in start-up companies, were among those getting options. Options were also sometimes offered as long-term incentives.

With the volatility of the economy since 2000, fewer people are inclined to accept a job based solely on handsome options packages. However, a responsible company with a sound business plan can still offer its employees a generous and lucrative stock option plan. And there is no less reason today to exercise your options if the company you are working for has realistic prospects for healthy growth.

The trend of offering stock options to employees other than executives began several years ago after Netscape won the initial public offering lottery, setting the stage for a climate that was especially favorable for Internet companies and other start-ups. These risky start-ups needed to recruit the best talent away from large, well established companies, so they started to offer the best possible incentives. What could be better than becoming a partial owner of a company with the potential for success? With stock options, employees can both directly contribute to and directly benefit from the company’s prosperity.

Stock options give employees the right—but not the obligation—to purchase a predetermined number of shares in the company at a fixed price within a certain period of time. One reason stock options are attractive is the hope that the stock’s value will increase, allowing an employee to sell shares at a later date for a significantly higher price.

Many people reap significant financial benefits by participating in stock options programs. So, if you truly believe in your company’s potential for long-term growth and success, and you’re offered stock options, you should seriously consider taking advantage of this compensation perk.

Yes, Some People Have Become Millionaires

Most people have read news stories about startup companies recruiting employees and offering stock options to people at all employment levels. Then, when the company ultimately offered its shares to the public, some people who exercised their ability to obtain stock in the company – and this included even support personnel – became instant millionaires. Yes, this did occasionally happen, more with high-technology companies than with other types of businesses. But even though most people do not typically become millionaires from stock options, your financial outlook could improve if you obtain stock in a company that prospers.

By purchasing stock in a company (exercising your options), you are becoming a partial owner in that company. If the company prospers and the value of its stock increases, you benefit. When you own stock in a company, you’re an investor. Thus, the more you know about how the stock market works, the better you will understand how your investment portfolio performs.

Most financial experts agree that stocks tend to be the most financially rewarding investment someone can make as a long-term financial strategy. While maintaining a diverse portfolio is one of the keys to success as an investor, the growth of your investment portfolio can begin when you exercise the stock options you’re offered by your employer.

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