3 Things You Don’t Need on Your Resume

No two employees are the same, but a growing number of resumes are. That’s because everybody is trying to send the same message: I’d be perfect for this job. While it’s important to communicate your winning personality, knowledge base, and skill set, you should do so without drowning the reader in unnecessary and redundant details. Here are a few examples of things you don’t need to say and should remove from your resume asap.

“Objective” Stating your objective is a staple section on many resumes but in most cases it’s totally unnecessary — obviously your objective is to get a job at that company. There are some exceptions, for example if you feel your goal is unclear (i.e. you want to change industries or are applying for a job for which you have no experience).

“I was high school valedictorian”
 The fact that you were valedictorian or had a perfect GPA has nothing to do with anything once you’re older than about 18. Leave it out and use the space for more relevant information.

“I’m proficient at Word and Excel” or any other equipment or technology that is essential to the job. These days being computer literate and competent in common programs, equipment, and other technology found in the workplace (depending on the industry and type of job) is somewhat of a given. Only mention it in circumstances where you specifically deem it necessary.


Career, job, Jobsearch, Resumes